A Bibliographical Study on Recreation and its Professionalism 인문 · 사회과학편 : 레크리에이션의 전문성(傳問性)에 관(寬)한 문헌적(文獻的) 연구(硏究)
23(2) 3-8, 1984
A Bibliographical Study on Recreation and its Professionalism 인문 · 사회과학편 : 레크리에이션의 전문성(傳問性)에 관(寬)한 문헌적(文獻的) 연구(硏究)
To determine some professional aspects in recreation, this study attempted to analyze the classical concept of profession and the nature of recreation. The sub-problems were:
(1) To catagorize a general qualification for a recreation profession.
(2) To outline a proposed area of study for college education curriculum in recreation major.
It must be noted that the findings of this study can be regarded as somewhat speculative unitl the actual data about the present situation in Korea, such as educational programs on college level relating to recreation, the status of professional recreation association and the job market in the field of recreation, are collected and studied. However, this study has made the following conclusions.
1. Within the catagory of,
(1) possession of body of specialized knowledge and academic training.
(2) forming a professional association and code of ethics, it is acceptable chat recreation has some characteristics as a profession.
2. A general qualification for a recreation professional can be made as follows:
(1) He should have a sound knowledge of leisure, recreation and play.
(2) He must possess some specialized knowledge and skills in a certain area of recreational activities.
(3) A professional training on a college level is necessary as educational background.
(4) He must understand clearly why and how to apply programs to the participants.
(5) He should realize the need of individuals and groups.
(6) He must perform his practices according to the code of ethics which is constructed by the professional association.
3. A minimal standard for college education curriculum in recreation major can be outlined as follows:
(1) Theory of leisure, recreation, and play
(2) Recreation and contemporary society
(3) Community organization and recreation
(4) Recreation leadership
(5) Recreation programing and evaluation
(6) Recreation activities and field experience
(7) Human growth and development
(8) Recreation administration
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An Analysis on the Meaning and Content of the Principles of Physical Education 인문 · 사회과학편 : 「체육원리(體育原理)」 교과목(敎科目)의 의미(意味) 및 내용(內容) 분석(分析) - 미국(美國) , 일본(日本)을 중심(中心)으로 -
23(2) 9-15, 1984
An Analysis on the Meaning and Content of the Principles of Physical Education 인문 · 사회과학편 : 「체육원리(體育原理)」 교과목(敎科目)의 의미(意味) 및 내용(內容) 분석(分析) - 미국(美國) , 일본(日本)을 중심(中心)으로 -
The aim of this study consists in making clear Principles of Physical Education put into use in America and Japan, by comparing and analyzing them. The textual method is selected to analyze the texts [Principles of Physical Education], pualished in America and Japan.
The major points of the study are as follows:
1. Principles of Physical Education in America mainly consist of policies and foundations on physical application. They are based on philosophy and science. The characteristics of American principles are possibilities and extension.
2. Principles of Physical Education in Japan are identified as disciplines to deal with universal problems such as physical essence and unchangeable principles of physics.
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Comparative Analysis of Attitudes of the Moderns for Leisure 인문 · 사회과학편 : 현대사회(現代社會)에서의 여가가치(餘暇價値) 인식(認識)에 대한 비교연구(比較硏究)
23(2) 17-25, 1984
Comparative Analysis of Attitudes of the Moderns for Leisure 인문 · 사회과학편 : 현대사회(現代社會)에서의 여가가치(餘暇價値) 인식(認識)에 대한 비교연구(比較硏究)
The concept of "quality of life" is born to thought of concept from human value looking at from the side of many problems being faced with human society.
We have met the recovery of "human value" overcome by "social value" in the process of high degree progress.
The view of value fur whole life of hours distributed should be transfered along with "we work to be had our leisure" said Aristoteles in 1975 under the current circumstance in increase of labouring production and reduction of labouring work.
It is expected that we are able to have 30% of free hours compared with 10% of working hours for our whole life of working hours in short future.
The improvement of "quality of life" that is required in harmony with working and free hours should be studied by person concerned under said changed circumstance and field of study should be subjected as following,
How to live sincerely for the increasing free hours we will meet?
How to seek for life worth living for labouring work?
It should be solved for quality of working life, quality of family life and quality of leisure life in theme three problems that we have to meet on the inhuman beings concerned with home, work and leisure in the daily life of our age.
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A Study on the Guk Goong (Korean Native Archery) in Physical Education 인문 · 사회과학편 : 국궁(國弓)의 체육적(體育的) 고찰(考察)
23(2) 27-38, 1984
A Study on the Guk Goong (Korean Native Archery) in Physical Education 인문 · 사회과학편 : 국궁(國弓)의 체육적(體育的) 고찰(考察)
The purpose of this study is to explore the value of Guk Goong (Korean native archery) by researching the many types of archery, from the point of view of educational value.
The results are as fellows:
1. Today the bow is used almost solely in athletics. However, its earliest use was as a tool of livelihood, and as a weapon.
2. Developing skill in Goong Sa in the Kyung Bang, a kind of school in the ancient age of Korea, was a classical type of physical education and was used to develop militaristic spirit.
3. Dae-Sa-Rye, Hyang-Sa-Rye, kinds of Korean tradition archery ceremony introduced from China, had the purpose of social education that purifies the morals of a community and instills courtesy in the public. It also has great value in physical education.
4. The activities of Sa-jeung, a kind of archery club, in the Lee Dynasty was regarded as one of the club activities important in social physical education.
5. There are many similarities between the nine disciplines of traditional bowmanship and modern sportsmanship.
6. Archery is one of six arts, the basic tasks, that a man of virtue must accomplish.
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A Study on the Body Image and Movement Concept of College Women 인문 · 사회과학편 : 신체상(身體像)과 운동개염(運動槪念)에 대한 조사연구(調査硏究)
23(2) 39-44, 1984
A Study on the Body Image and Movement Concept of College Women 인문 · 사회과학편 : 신체상(身體像)과 운동개염(運動槪念)에 대한 조사연구(調査硏究)
This study attempts to evaluate the body image and movement concept that college women desire to ideally and to represent the viewpoint which they have on their own body image and movement concept.
The subjects are selected from coeducation and women`s group.
The number is 277 in all.
The results obtained are as follows.
1. Perception about body image and movement concept.
① As for the body image, coeducation group show higher interest in the recognition of looks, meanwhile the group of women`s college show higher interest in body figures and sence.
② In the movement concept, coeducation group have higher interest in the ability of excercise meanwhile the group of women`s college have higher interest in activity, exercise interest and progressiveness.
③ In the difference between real self and ideal self, the statements of body image show much difference in body figures only and no difference in sence, recognition of looks and power in both of coeducation and women`s college and the statements of movement concept, coeducation group show difference in the ability of exercise, that is, activity. Women`s college group show difference in progressiveness.
2. As for the body image, there is significant difference between real self and ideal self in both of the groups.
3. There is no significant difference between Body image and movement concept.
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Olympism illuminated with the Ancient Greek Thought 인문 · 사회과학편 : 고대(古代) 그리스사상(思想)으로 해명(解明)한 올림픽 기본정신(基本精神)
23(2) 45-52, 1984
Olympism illuminated with the Ancient Greek Thought 인문 · 사회과학편 : 고대(古代) 그리스사상(思想)으로 해명(解明)한 올림픽 기본정신(基本精神)
Modern Olympic Movement was established by the French baron, Pierre Coubertin, whose thought deeply rooted in the ancient Greek. He interpreted the Greek speculation into the 19th century English gentlemanship, so Conbertin’s philosophy was called "an admixture of ancient Greek and ‘L’ Empire Britanique".
In this paper the ancient Greek philosophy has been illuminated at the point of giving the model of modern Olympism. Special attention has been given to Plato and Aristoteles, for the former was the most influential and the latter was thought as typical idea of Greek by Coubertin.
As a dualist, Plato differentiated the world of Idea and the world of sense. Although human body belongs to the transitony world of sense, plato tried to maintain the balance of the two. His absolute hope educational for human being was the one who equally cultivated one`s body and soul. Therefore Plato stresses on the function of gymnastics for going towards the whole man.
Plato eagerly tried to the equilibrium of the body and soul in his dualist thinking whereas Aristoteles` approach is more realistic and has more common sense. Aristoteles suggests that the body and soul of human being are not the different substances. He insisted they are only the different asperts of same substance. So Aristoteles edueational theory has the same emphasis on the bodily education and education for soul.
Even if Plato and Aristoteles differ sharply, they agrees that physical education has the important moral function, that is formal power into higher character. Modern Olympism has had the moral and educational foundation of Greek. The basis of Olympism can be explained the Plato and Aristoteles` educational idea-morally whole man.
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The Analytical Study of Common People's Attitude Factors Toward Exercise and Physical Activities 인문 · 사회과학편 : 일반인(一般人)의 운동(運動)에 대한 태도요인(態度要因) 분석연구(分析硏究)
23(2) 53-59, 1984
The Analytical Study of Common People's Attitude Factors Toward Exercise and Physical Activities 인문 · 사회과학편 : 일반인(一般人)의 운동(運動)에 대한 태도요인(態度要因) 분석연구(分析硏究)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the concrete materials of the evaluation of common peoples by the analysis of the attitude toward the physical activities. This study has proceeded with the test based on the theory of factor analysis of G.S. Kenyon.
Through the test paper on the question items, composed of the Kenyon`s theory of analysis of the common people`s attitude toward physical activities the six conceptual factors which characterize physical activities in spatial dimension. Conclusionally the result extracted from them brought some valuable materials.
1) The difference between common people`s physical activities of sex appeared considerably disparity difference in the factor such "social experience", "health fitness", "the pursuit of vertigo", "catharsis", "aesthetic experience" in p<0.001 & p<0.01 level and "an aesthetic experience" in p<0.05 level
2) The difference between common people`s physical activities of age grade appeared considerably disparity difference in the factor "the pursurit of vertigo" in p<0.001 level and "social experience", "health and fitness", "an aesthetic experience" in p<0.05 & p<0.01 level but in "catharsis", "aesthetic experience" did not appeared any remarkable difference.
3) The difference of the attitude toward activities, caused by participator and unparticipator in the physical activities showed that there is considerable disparity difference in all the above mentioned factors in p<0.001 level.
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A Study on evaluation and basic skills of middle schools in ball games 인문 · 사회과학편 : 중학교(中學校)에서의 체육학습(體育學習) 평가(平價) 및 구기(球技) 기본기능(基本技能)에 관(寬)한 연구(硏究)
23(2) 61-70, 1984
A Study on evaluation and basic skills of middle schools in ball games 인문 · 사회과학편 : 중학교(中學校)에서의 체육학습(體育學習) 평가(平價) 및 구기(球技) 기본기능(基本技能)에 관(寬)한 연구(硏究)
1. The purpose of the study
1) What are the major ball games which are taught and whose stills are evaluate in middle schools.
2) Is the evaluation method of ball games objectives?
3) Does the physical education follows the required standard?
4) Does the school knave enough facilities and equipments for the physical education?
5) What are average middle school students` levels of skill in ball games?
2. The method of the study
1) The period of this study is from October 1st, 1983 to August 15th, 1984.
2) The questionaire designed by the research is answered by 34 physical education teachers and the results were analyzed by percentage.
3) 2,146 middle school students (32 classes) are selected for the skill test of the ball games are analyzed in terms of Mean, S.D, t-score their skill test results of soccer, volleyball, basketball and handball.
3. The results are as follows.:
1) The major ball games which are taught and whose skills are evaluated in middle schools are soccer, basketball, volleyball and handball.
2) Over 55 persentage of physical education teachers use the subjective method in evaluating students` skills in ball games.
3) The physical education in middle schools does not follow the required standard.
4) More than 82.4 persentage among the respondents indicate the shortage of physical education facilities and equipments.
5) The skill levels of ball games are as shown in (fig-7∼15) and there no differences between the two classes compared for their average skill levels of each ball games.
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Effect of Active and Passive Recovery on Subsequent Treadmill Running Performance 자연과학편 : 활동성 회복과 비활동성 회복 후의 트레드밀에서의 달리기 운동능력 효과
23(2) 73-82, 1984
Effect of Active and Passive Recovery on Subsequent Treadmill Running Performance 자연과학편 : 활동성 회복과 비활동성 회복 후의 트레드밀에서의 달리기 운동능력 효과
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Effects of Exercise - Diet Program on Blood Glucose Level and Records in Long - Distance Runner 자연과학편 : 장거리(長距離) 선수(選手)의 식이요법(食餌療法) 훈련(訓練)이 운동시(運動時) 혈중(血中) Glucose 농도(濃度)와 기록(記錄)에 미치는 영향(影響)
Effects of Exercise - Diet Program on Blood Glucose Level and Records in Long - Distance Runner 자연과학편 : 장거리(長距離) 선수(選手)의 식이요법(食餌療法) 훈련(訓練)이 운동시(運動時) 혈중(血中) Glucose 농도(濃度)와 기록(記錄)에 미치는 영향(影響)
Effect of diet in general, and glycogen storage in particular on the performance ability of athletes has been well documented. In this study, an effort was directed to further clarify the effect of the body glycogen storage on the blood glucose level and the running record in the long distance runners. Forty-two male high school athletic students of 15 ~19 years of age who are well trained as the long distance runners were selected. The subjects were divided into three groups: i.e, the control, low carbohydrate (LCHO) and high carbohydrate- (HCHO) group. HCHO group was supplied with a high fat and high protein diet for two days with a hard running exercise followed by a high carbohydrate diet for 3 days with a light running erercise. LCHO group received a high fat and high protein diet with a hard running exercise. A long distance running of 1) 20km at a full speed and 2) 10km at a constant speed of 18km per hour was performed. LCHO group performed only
10km running. The blood glucose concentration was determined by an enzymatic method, venous blood pH by using the Corning model 175 automatic blood gas analyzer, blood lactate concentration by the method of Barker and Summerson, heart rate by palpating the radial artery.
The following results were obtained.
1. Blood glucose concentration:
After 10km running, both the control and HCHO groups showed increased values in comparison to the resting values immediately and 10 min after exercise, while LCHO group showed lower values than the resting values immediately, 10 and 30 min after exercise. The LCHO group showed values than the control group immediately and 10 min after exercise.
After 20km running, the control group showed increased values compared with the resting values during exercise (10km point) but showed decreased values in comparison to the resting values immediately after exercise. The HCHO group showed increased values in comparison to the resting values immediately, 10 and 30 min after exercise. The HCHO group showed higher values than the control group immediately and 10 min. after exercise and the difference was especially remarkable immediately after exercise.
2. Blood lactate concentration:
After 10kra running, all 3 groups showed increased values compared with the resting values where the LCHO group showed lower values than the control group immediately, 10 and 30 min. After 20km running, both the control and HCHO groups showed increased values comparision to the resting values, where the HCHO showed higher vahaes than control.
3. pH of -venous blood:
Both the control and HCHO groups showed decreased values in comparison to the resting values during and immediately rafter exercise. The HCHO group showed lower values than control group immediately after exercise.
4. Heart irate:
After 20km running, both the control and HCHO groups showed increased values compared with the resting values, where HCHO group showed lower values than, the control group immediately, 3 and 5 min after exercise.
5. Record:
The HCHO group showed shorter values than die control group after 20km running at a full speed.
From the above results, we could note that blood glucose level was increased due to the increase of glycogen storage in the body and that subsequently the subjects made a shorter record through the dietary regime.
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The Changes of General Components and Proteins in Urine depending on Exercises 자연과학편 : 운동부하(運動負荷)에 따른 일반뇨성분(一般尿成分)과 뇨단백질(尿蛋白質)의 변화(變化)
23(2) 95-98, 1984
The Changes of General Components and Proteins in Urine depending on Exercises 자연과학편 : 운동부하(運動負荷)에 따른 일반뇨성분(一般尿成分)과 뇨단백질(尿蛋白質)의 변화(變化)
To investigate the degrees of strength in exercises and changes of general components and proteins in urine of players depending on 2,000 meters running and traditional Korean wrestling, pH, proteins, glucose, urobilinogen and blood in urine of subjects before and after exercises were analyzed and proteins in urine were examined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic method.
The results obtained were as follows:
1. In the analyses of pH, proteins and blood in urine of subjects before and after exercises, 2,000meters running and traditional Korean wrestling were found to be exercises of great strength.
2. Urine of the subjects contained much quantity of proteins as the strength of exercises went higher. Especially, a quantity and species of proteins in urine after exercises were different according to kinds of exercises, previous training and individual.
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A Study on the High Acclimatization of Rats Injected Acetazolamide 자연과학편 : Acetazolamide 투여(投與)에 의(依)한 흰쥐의 고도순화(高度馴化)
柳浩永YuHo-Yong , 金健喆KimKon-Cheul
23(2) 99-105, 1984
A Study on the High Acclimatization of Rats Injected Acetazolamide 자연과학편 : Acetazolamide 투여(投與)에 의(依)한 흰쥐의 고도순화(高度馴化)
柳浩永YuHo-Yong , 金健喆KimKon-Cheul
The purpose of this study was to investigate High Acclimatization.
49 rats, which were from Albino strain (□) and each of them weighed nearly 192g, were fed with standard diet for 7 days. After 7 days` diet, they were divided into 8 groups; Normal pressure (Sea level) groups and Low pressure (493~462mmHg) groups-these groups were subdivided into trained groups were injected for 11 days. After these training or injection, the maximal swimming time was measured. And after exercise and unexercise on the sea level or highland(3,500-4,000M), genetic variant of Hemoglobin and carbon anhydrase were checked.
And weight of body, lungs, liver, spleen, and kidney were checked, too.
The results of the study as follows:
1. Acetazolamide injection showed increased ability of exercise at highland.
2. Exercise prevented the rats from overweighing and Normal pressure groups which were not injected Acetazolamide showed more increase of body weight than injected groups, but Low pressure groups injected Acetazolamide showed more increase of body weight than non-injected groups.
3. The change in the kidney weight was outstaning of all the organs.
4. Only one type of genetic variant in Hemoglobin was detected.
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The Effect of Anaerobic Metabolism on Aerobic Endurance Capacity during Exercise 자연과학편 : 무산소적(無酸素的) 지구성(持久性)이 유산소적(有酸素的) 전신지구력(全身持久力)에 미치는 영향(影響)
23(2) 107-114, 1984
The Effect of Anaerobic Metabolism on Aerobic Endurance Capacity during Exercise 자연과학편 : 무산소적(無酸素的) 지구성(持久性)이 유산소적(有酸素的) 전신지구력(全身持久力)에 미치는 영향(影響)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of anaerobic metabolism on aerobic endurance capacity as the results of difference of oxygen consumption(VO₂) and oxygen debt reponse to training.
Five subjects, who are one sprinter, two middle distance runners and two untrained men, were performed treadmill exercise tests to volitional exhaution within two or six minutes. The speed of treadmill was held alternatively from 160 meters per minites to 350 meters per minutes, while the grade was fixed to 4 degrees during exercise.
Oxygen Consumption (VO₂), oxygen debt (O₂ debt), heart rate (HR), oxygen pulse(O₂ pulse), minute ventilation, and breathing frequency were obtained during a series of prolonged over six minutes submaximal and two or six minutes maximal trials.
As the results of this experiment, conclusions were obtained as follow;
1. During maximal exercise, ratios between oxygen consumption and Oxygen debt of middle distance runners, sprinters. and untrained men were found at 58:42, 35:65, and 70:30 respectively.
2. Maximal oxygen consumption (VO₂max.) and oxygen debt were occured simultaneously during maximal exercise, According to work loads increase further maximal exercise, energy expenditure were supplied by oxygen debt.
3. According to work loads increase from maximal exercise to VO₂ max. on further maximal exercise, non-efficient hyperventilation was shown by abrupt increase in minute ventilation and breathing frequency.
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Analysis of Staluta Motion on Horizonal Bar 자연과학편 : 철봉(鐵棒) Staluta 동작(動作)의 역학적(力學的) 분석(分析)
河哲秀HaChul-Soo , 林容圭LimYoung-Kyu
23(2) 115-122, 1984
Analysis of Staluta Motion on Horizonal Bar 자연과학편 : 철봉(鐵棒) Staluta 동작(動作)의 역학적(力學的) 분석(分析)
河哲秀HaChul-Soo , 林容圭LimYoung-Kyu
On purpose to analyzing the Staluta motion improving the skill of the Staluta motion is high developed skill need the technique connection of horizontal bar, for this study, 4 high-class male players in University (subject A, B, C, D) were sampled as random and so photographed their motion with 16mm movie camera (50 frames/se), searched for the gravitational center of the body by drawing figure method and dynamically analysed and comparded both the shiftment of gravitional center of body and change of angle joint. We could get a fallowing result.
1. On phase 1, when head locates under elbow joint. Subject A has 12∼43 frame with 32 frame duration, Subject B has 20∼29 frame with 10 frame duration, Subject C has 24∼42 frame with 19 frame duration, Subject D has not only one frame.
2. On Phase 2, when cross elbow joint and ankle joint for Subject A has W. 775 rad/sec, AC. 393,115.8 m/sec, FAC. 229.8 Newton, M. 141.63 Newton, more increase than Subject B,C,D and at F. Subject B comes out the best increase on 0.078 Newton.
3. On phase 3, at hand-stand Subject, D has dimension 40˚ more than Subject A at neck joint and Subject B only flexion hip joint, extension Subject A, D and Subject C comes out zero at knee joint.
4. On phasel, When head locates under elbow joint it seem the more frame number, the better turning motion, On phase 2, we can find increase of W. AC. F AC. M., On phase 3 at hand-standing time effect of motion is seem to much more depend on measure of neck joint extension, measure of head joint extension, and measure of knee joint.
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Changes of Heart Rate and Blood Pressure after Exercise of Different Track Events 자연과학편 : Track 경기(競技) 종목별(種目別) 운동부하후(運動負荷後) 심박수(心搏數) 및 혈압(血壓)의 변화(變化)
In order to study the changes of heart rate and blood pressure after exercise in different track events, one hundred and one subjects aged between 14~18 years were divided into athletic and non-athletic groups. The exercise performed was 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1,500m and 5,000m running at full speed on the track respectively.
The results obtained are summarized as follows:
The heart rate at rest was significantly lower in athletes than in non-athletes, especially in 200m, 400m, 800m, 1, 500m and 5, 000m running. After the exercise, athletes showed lower values and made a more rapid recovery than non-athletes in 400m, 800m, 1, 500m and 5, 000m running. In comparison among different track events, non-athletes showed higher values in 1, 500m and 5, 000m but athletes showed higher values in 200m and 400m than in the other events.
The systolic blood pressure at rest showed no significant difference between two groups. But after the exercise, athletes showed significantly higher values and made a more rapid recovery than non-athletes. In comparison among different track events, both groups showed higher values in 800m than in the other events.
The diastolic blood pressure after the exercise was higher in 100m, 200m, 400ra and 800m but lower in 1,500m and 5, 000m in athletes than in non-athletes. In comparison among different track events, both groups showed higher values in 200m and 400m than in the other events.
The pulse pressure at rest showed no significant difference between two groups except in 800m. In 800m, athletes showed significantly lower values than non-athletes at rest. After the exercise, athletes showed higher values in all events and also made a more rapid recovery than non-athletes. In comparison among different track events, both groups showed higher values in 800m, 1, 500m and 5,000m and especially in 800m.
The mean arterial pressure at rest was higher in athletes than in non-athletes. Also after the exercise, athletes generally showed higher values in all events and especially significantly higher values in 200m 400m and 800m than non-athletes. In comparison among different track events, both groups showed higher values in 200 m, 400m and 800m than in the other events.
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An analysis of speed in relation to a grip position in Kumdo 응용과학편 : 검도경기(劍道競技)에 있어서 죽도(竹刀)의 Grip 위치(位置)에 따른 속도(速度) 분석(分析)
23(2) 139-142, 1984
An analysis of speed in relation to a grip position in Kumdo 응용과학편 : 검도경기(劍道競技)에 있어서 죽도(竹刀)의 Grip 위치(位置)에 따른 속도(速度) 분석(分析)
This study is for research in hit-time difference, if any, in a grip position of a bamboo stick (or a sword) in korean Kumdo. The research was made in relation to one Kumdo player who has been practicing Kumdo for 12 years and who once a national team Player. The following results have been obtained:
1. A different grip position could result in a difference in hit-time. A short grip position recorded a 0.51 second which was the quickest one among the various positions.
2. A middle grip position resulted in a slower hit-time than a short one in its total swing time. Yet, in a down ward swing alone, a middle grip showed a faster move by 0.01 second. The result may be interpreted that a middle grip would produce the best result in Kumdo game, where keeping a certain distance as well as a short downward hit-time is required.
3. In theory, keeping a long distance, for which a long grip position has the most advantages and yet maintaining a short hit-time is an ideal combination in practicing Kumdo. To become a good Kumdo player, building up an athletic muscle including M. brachialis is mostly required.
4. However, it is unknown at this time and a further research should be made on which factor would be more influential to an achievement in a game; between a speed (hit-time) and a distance.
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Influence of Physical Fitness on Performance in Modern Rhythmic Sports Gymnastics 응용과학편 : 체력(體力)이 리듬체조의 경기능력(競技能力)에 미치는 영향(影響)
23(2) 143-147, 1984
Influence of Physical Fitness on Performance in Modern Rhythmic Sports Gymnastics 응용과학편 : 체력(體力)이 리듬체조의 경기능력(競技能力)에 미치는 영향(影響)
The purpose of this study was to find out the physical fitness factors which have an effect on the performance of modern rhythmic sports gymnastics.
The subjects were 32 modern rhythmic sports gymnasts in college. The performance scores in five events (ball, ribon, hoop, rope, indian club) and six items of physical fitness factors were measured.
The results obtained from statistical analysis based on tested data were as follows;
1. Trunk flexion, flexibility factor. influenced most the performance in ball, ribon, and hoop events (R2=0.376, 0.576, 0.472 respectively). Sargent jump, power factor, was the second factor which influenced the performance in hoop event. But other physical fitness factors did not influence significantly the performance.
2. Sargent jump, power factor, influenced most the performance in rope and indian clue events (R2=0.466, 0.328 respectively), but other physical fitness factors did not influence significantly the performance.
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A Study on the change of Heart Rate of Ball Game Athletes 응용과학편 : 구기운동선수(球技運動選手)의 심박수(心拍數) 변화(變化)에 관(寬)한 연구(硏究)
安文容AnMoon-Yong , 金基英KimGi-Young
23(2) 149-152, 1984
A Study on the change of Heart Rate of Ball Game Athletes 응용과학편 : 구기운동선수(球技運動選手)의 심박수(心拍數) 변화(變化)에 관(寬)한 연구(硏究)
安文容AnMoon-Yong , 金基英KimGi-Young
The purpose of this study was to investigate the change of heart rate of ball game athletes.
The subjects were fifty ball game athletes who attend high school in Seoul. Heart rate was measured at rest, after 2 min, after 4 min, after 6 min, after 8 min and after 10 min.
The results and conclusions were as follows:
1. Generally, the heart rate at rest was similarily to each group.
2. The heart rate after Burpee test, after 2 min, after 4 min, after 6 min, after 8 min, after 10 min was very different from each group.
3. After 10 min the heart rate was similiarily to each group.
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A Study on the Kinesthesis of the Gymnasts 응용과학편 : 체조선수(體操選手)의 운동감각(運動感覺)(Kinesthesis)에 관(寬)한 연구(硏究)
23(2) 153-158, 1984
A Study on the Kinesthesis of the Gymnasts 응용과학편 : 체조선수(體操選手)의 운동감각(運動感覺)(Kinesthesis)에 관(寬)한 연구(硏究)
The purpose of this study is to obtain a foundamental data and information about the Kinesthesis of Gymnasts by means of measuring the degree of the positional kinesthesis of upper Limbs, the spatial positional kinesthesis of the whole body, and Horizontal Kinesthesis after tripple post turn.
The results of this study are;
1. There is a very slight difference in Positional Kinesthesis of Lopper Limbs among Gymnasts, Athletes, Soccor players and General students except 70˚.
2. Gymnasts are much superior to non-Gymnasts and General students in Spatial Positional Kinesthesis of whole body.
3. There is no significant difference in Horizontal Kinesthesis after Tripple poet turn among Gymnasts, non-Gymnasts and General students except 70˚
4. Gymnasts are Superior to any other Groups; especially in Spatial positional Kinesthesis of whole body.
In this study, I compare sports groups with anti-sports groups (general group) through a questionnaire under the question composed by G.S Kenyon.
The purpose of this study is to provide a material which is necessary for an athlete to guide and improve the attitude for sports by analysing the attitude toward sports on the basis of sports types, career, sexes.
Samples, total 400 (200; sports groups, 200; general group), were derived from the students of the boys and girl`s high school in seoul and the players affiliated to committees (federations) under the umbrella of Korea Amateur Sports Association at random. Results fitness and catharsis factor; t-Test and ANOVA are as follows;
1) Difference in the health & fitness and catharsis factor; sports group>general group(p<0.01)
Difference in the pursuit of vertigo; sports groupgeneral group (p< 0.05)
Difference in the pursuit of vertigo, catharsis factor; sports group >general group (p< 0.05)
Difference in the ascetic experience factor; sports group >general group (p<0.05)
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Analysis of straddle jump on long horse Valut 응용과학편 : 도마(跳馬) 다리벌려 뛰기 동작분석(動作分析)
河哲秀HaChul-Soo , 朴光東ParkKwang-Dong
23(2) 169-174, 1984
Analysis of straddle jump on long horse Valut 응용과학편 : 도마(跳馬) 다리벌려 뛰기 동작분석(動作分析)
河哲秀HaChul-Soo , 朴光東ParkKwang-Dong
Straddle jump motion is basic skill need on long horse Valut the purpose of this study is to analyze and improve the skill of straddle jump motion.
So male players in university were sampled at random photographed thein motion with 16mm movie Camera (68 frame/sec), and searched for the gravitational center of the body by the Masseui’s drawing figure method.
I divided straddle jump motion and compalled and analyzed the shiftment of the center gravity and the angle change of joint with mechanical method.
The result are as fellow:
1. In phase 1, As motion before lay hands on long horse vault, Subj. A is 1∼23 frame, Subj. B is 1∼25 frame with found the least variation of frame interval number.
2. In phase 2, As the most fact shiftment of he. 1.99cm, D. 1.67, VV, 0.96 m/sec, RV. 1.11m/sec, and Subj. A more than B.
3. In phase 3, Subj. A is consume F. 8026 Newton, P. 16.97Hp more than Subj. B.
4. As straddle jump motion good at the pose, in phase 1, the most important pose is motion in step, in phase 2, posture on air, in phase 3, come down of motion.